(406) 652-4180 • 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT

Cyber Liability Insurance

In this fast paced world, rich in technology, we hang on to the hope that our personal information can remain private.

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In this fast paced world, rich in technology, we hang on to the hope that our personal information can remain private. For all the reasons we are asked to produce our birth date, social security number, credit or debit card information we become a bit desensitized to the possibility that it can fall in to the wrong hands.

Day after day we are hearing about a business that has fallen victim to a hacker, and that sensitive information collected from their clients has been compromised. What will the hacker do with that information? What could that mean to me – the business owner -- as I try to figure out how it happened, repair the damage that has been done to my computer network, the damage to my records and software? What could it mean to my client who would suffer if their credit is damaged, or their identity is stolen?

Cyber Liability could help you with a rapid response to your clients, and work to manage your business reputation.

Each state has its own laws and regulations about what has to happen if your business falls victim to a hacker. Do you know what your responsibility is? What will it cost to notify your clients, and what would happen if they in turn make a claim against you, the business owner, for their damage?

Cyber Liability Insurance is available NOW and we would recommend that you talk to us about this product. By purchasing Cyber Liability you can effectively transfer the risk to the insurance company, rather than hold to the belief that it won't happen to you!

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Top 10 Reasons You Need Cyber Liability Insurance

No matter what type of business you run, where you're located, or how much time you spend online – your business needs Cyber Liability Insurance.

 business   risk  

Professional Liability Insurance

Almost every business or firm can become liable for injury to others resulting from a condition on its premises or arising out of its operations, products, completed work or actions of its employees.

 business   risk  

Update on Past Articles

Here are a few updates on the past risk articles.

 business   risk  

Anti-Indemnity Statute

Indemnity clauses generally are more common to construction projects primarily due to the risks involved maintaining a safe work environment.

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— Protecting Everything You Value Most —

Darnielle Insurance is available to answer your questions. We are located at 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT 59102. Give us a call at 406-652-4180.

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