(406) 652-4180 • 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT

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Is there a Value to Having a Local Agent?

Posted: 09/09/2024

 service   auto   home  

There is no doubt that we've all seen better times in the insurance marketplace. We all feel a bit helpless as prices go up, policy terms change and we wonder if there is anything we can do.

Read More

    Every Penny Counts

    Posted: 08/07/2024

     service   auto   home  

    Helpful hints to save you money when it comes to insurance.

    A few Common Misconceptions About Insurance

    Posted: 07/01/2024


    There are many misconceptions about all types of insurance. Which do you fall for?

    Delivery vs. Rideshare - What's the difference?

    Posted: 06/05/2024

     auto   risk  

    If you use your personal vehicle to pick up and deliver goods or people, there are some things you should know regarding your auto insurance.

    What Matters, and When it Matters

    Posted: 05/07/2024

     home   home  

    When purchasing insurance, most people are naturally focused on price. While researching the best price, nobody is envisioning themselves sitting in a waiting room of body shop or discussing restoration repairs after a natural disaster.

    Top 10 Reasons You Need Cyber Liability Insurance

    Posted: 04/07/2024

     business   risk  

    No matter what type of business you run, where you're located, or how much time you spend online – your business needs Cyber Liability Insurance.

    Protecting Yourself from the Uninsured and Underinsured Driver

    Posted: 02/21/2024

     service   auto  

    With over 29 million uninsured drivers in the US what can you do to protect yourself?

    Why Should I Have a Personal Umbrella Policy?

    Posted: 01/24/2024

     home   risk  

    The main purpose of an umbrella policy is to protect you and your assets from the financial fallout of certain unforeseen events but are they worth it?

    Replacement Cost vs. Taxable Value vs. Real Estate Market Value – What's The Difference?

    Posted: 01/03/2024

     service   home  

    I often get asked this question by customers! Trying to figure out what each of these separate values mean, in relation to your home or commercial building, can be very confusing! To better understand the differences, here's a quick breakdown!

    Halloween 2023 Agency Pumpkin Carving

    Posted: 10/25/2023


    Darnielle held an office Halloween pumpkin carving contest and had some great entries!

    How Home Replacement Costs are Affecting Home Insurance

    Posted: 12/14/2022


    Home insurance is based on the cost to rebuild and replace your home, not its market value.

    Supporting Our Community

    Posted: 12/11/2020

     service   news  

    There are many individuals and organizations in need and we are finding meaningful ways to give back and support our local community we serve.

    So What is this "Insurance" Anyway?

    Posted: 07/12/2020

     service   auto  

    All the terms about drive a person mad: perils, premiums, hazards, losses and limits. There seems no end to it, and what does it all mean?

    Talk About Full Service

    Posted: 01/15/2018

     service   auto  

    Taking Customer Service to a New Level

    Professional Liability Insurance

    Posted: 03/23/2017

     business   risk  

    Almost every business or firm can become liable for injury to others resulting from a condition on its premises or arising out of its operations, products, completed work or actions of its employees.

    Insuring Your Summer Toys

    Posted: 03/23/2017


    As summer loosens its grip and spring seems just around the corner, many of us look forward to heading out to enjoy our summer toys.

    Update on Past Articles

    Posted: 11/06/2016

     business   risk  

    Here are a few updates on the past risk articles.

    Winter Driving

    Posted: 11/06/2016


    Being a Montana gal I've learned some smart things to do to prepare yourself, and your car, for winter driving.

    Anti-Indemnity Statute

    Posted: 10/11/2016

     business   risk  

    Indemnity clauses generally are more common to construction projects primarily due to the risks involved maintaining a safe work environment.

    Phishing, Don't Take the Bait

    Posted: 10/11/2016


    Phishing has become one of the most common threats online, fooling even the most tech-savvy and cautious users.

    Your Home may be Underinsured

    Posted: 08/05/2016


    You pay for home insurance to avoid incurring large out-of-pocket expenses after something damages your house and personal property.

    Ordinance or Law Coverage

    Posted: 08/05/2016

     business   risk  

    The situation can be specifically addressed by working with your insurance advisor and construction professional who are versed in coverage and current code requirements.

    Do You Volunteer Your Time AND Insurance?

    Posted: 07/06/2016


    If a volunteer endeavor goes bad, would a volunteer board member have coverage against a lawsuit under his or her homeowner's policy?

    Directors and Officers Insurance

    Posted: 07/06/2016

     business   risk  

    Directors & officers of a corporation may be subject to personal liability for acts performed in their duties as an officer or director.

    Home Improvement Season!

    Posted: 04/15/2016


    Be cautious when selecting a contractor to work for you when making repairs or improvements to your home. A couple of things you should know...

    Does Faulty Workmanship Qualify as an Occurrence

    Posted: 04/15/2016

     business   risk  

    A question asked, and tried to be answered, in many different courts! Numerous articles have been written and rewritten, along with state and federal court decisions, that all address the same question: Is faulty workmanship an occurrence?

    TNC Update & Montana & the Ride-Share Industry

    Posted: 02/26/2016

     business   risk  

    Transportation network companies (TNC's) have become a viable part of the sharing economy.

    Wow... Uber is coming to Montana!

    Posted: 02/26/2016


    As exciting as this sounds, and as easy as it may seem to make a few extra bucks driving for UBER, insuring yourself and your car to drive for UBER is an opportunity that requires further investigation.

    Hey "Sled-Heads" are you ready to go "Billing?"

    Posted: 01/02/2016


    Snowmobiles are a significant investment and there are insurance products specifically designed to protect you and your investment.

    The Independent Contractor-Addressed Again??

    Posted: 01/02/2016

     business   risk  

    After a Montana Supreme Court decision in 2003, "Kelly Wild vs Fregein Construction", significantly changed the status of independent contractor exemptions, the 2005 Montana Legislature re-established the conclusive status of the IC exemption certificate.

    Buying Workers' Compensation Insurance

    Posted: 11/16/2015

     business   risk  

    In Montana, every employer who has an employee is required to purchase, or self insure, coverage for an injury or illness arising out of and in the course and scope of employment.

    Reducing Your Insurance Costs ... Distinguishing Bad Advice from Good Advice

    Posted: 11/12/2015


    Many Americans are struggling financially in the current economy, particularly those struck by lay-offs, and are faced with tough decisions about how to reduce expenses.

    Condominium Association Insurance

    Posted: 10/05/2015

     business   risk  

    The condominium association business is managed by its by-laws and declarations. These are unique to each association and deal with the day-to-day obligations and duties of the board and unit owners.

    What should I know when buying my Condominium Unit Owners policy?

    Posted: 10/05/2015


    It is important to know that your role as a unit owner is spelled out in your association documents, namely the By-Laws and Declarations. If you can't lay your hands on a copy you should ask a member of your association board for one.

    Transportation Network Companies-TNC's

    Posted: 07/17/2015


    Since December 2014, there were approximately 163,000 active Uber drivers, offering about 1 million paid rides a day in more than 250 cities around the world!

    Cyber Liability Insurance

    Posted: 07/17/2015


    In this fast paced world, rich in technology, we hang on to the hope that our personal information can remain private.

    Triggering Property Insurance Coverage, Maybe!

    Posted: 06/06/2015


    Insurance contracts are constructed with the intent to provide coverage for certain risks of loss, but not for all of them.

    Summertime and Rental Cars

    Posted: 06/06/2015


    "Should I buy the insurance offered to me when I rent a car? Won't my automobile coverage extend?"

    Insuring the Boss

    Posted: 04/24/2015

     business   risk  

    Workers' Compensation Coverage is generally always a substantial cost item in any business financial statement. Therefore, business owners pay special attention to the various methods in containing those costs.

    "The Bakken and Workers' Compensation Coverage"

    Posted: 03/13/2015

     business   risk  

    The Bakken oil patch has provided great opportunities for employment for numerous workers. With work opportunities naturally goes the need for workers' compensation insurance coverage.

    "All I want is a Quote..."

    Posted: 02/04/2015

     service   risk  

    Insurance consumers have become very price conscious and from time to time they will seek quotes to see if they can improve their rates.

    An Insurance 'Intermediaries' Duty to the Client

    Posted: 02/04/2015

     business   risk  

    The question can then be asked: What are the duties to the client while acting in either capacity?

    Buying Insurance in 15 Minutes or Less?

    Posted: 01/04/2015

     business   risk  

    This is where the need for a face-to-face with an insurance agent/broker is a must!

    Custom Parts & Equipment

    Posted: 01/04/2015


    Did you know that the new grill guard you had mounted on your pickup truck may not be covered if damaged in an accident?

    Workers' Comp. and the Independent Contractor

    Posted: 12/02/2014

     business   risk  

    Montana was one of the first states to enact legislation relating to the needs of injured workers.

    Claims—Surviving the Storm

    Posted: 12/02/2014


    Common questions after damage from the hail storm.

    Negligent Entrustment

    Posted: 11/01/2014

     business   risk  

    In a claim for negligent entrustment you will have cause to pursue not only the driver of the vehicle for compensation, but also the owner!

    The Value of Having a Local Agent

    Posted: 11/01/2014


    Carving out that time to sit down with an agent and do a thorough review of your insurance needs will ultimately save you considerable time each year when your policies renew.

    Occurrence vs. Claims Made..& Switching!

    Posted: 10/06/2014

     business   risk  

    Generally all Property/Casualty policies you purchase will fall into one of two categories-"Occurrence" or "Claims Made".

    How you Pay your Premium affects How Much you Pay

    Posted: 10/06/2014


    One thing that many insurance consumers do not take in to consideration is that how they pay their insurance premium can affect how much they pay.

    "Claims Made" and "Reported"

    Posted: 08/04/2014

     business   risk  

    There are two distinct "Claims Made" policy forms and the difference can determine the outcome of a potential claim.

    What to do when Montana Hail Strikes

    Posted: 08/04/2014


    We've compiled these important steps to report your claim.

    Covering Theft from your Vehicle

    Posted: 07/01/2014


    Are you out-of-luck when your vehicle is broken into? Not necessarily...

    A Serious Gap in Homeowners Insurance Coverage

    Posted: 07/01/2014

     business   risk  

    A number of surveys and studies have clearly indicated that consumers are largely unaware of the potential coverage gap that may be created by certain occupancy situations.

    Managing Risk

    Posted: 06/01/2014

     business   risk  

    Risk is the uncertainty of loss. It is not knowing when or how a loss of property or income will occur

    Do you have Coverage for Sewer or Drain Backups?

    Posted: 06/01/2014


    Were you aware that not all home owner and business owner insurance policies contain coverage for damage caused by sewer or drain backup?

    Don't get Bit by your Home Insurance Policy

    Posted: 03/25/2014


    Just like people, dogs have their good days and bad days. Dog bites can be serious, resulting in severe injuries or even death, as well as emotional damage.

    Better Personal Property Protection

    Posted: 02/24/2014


    A Scheduled Personal Property endorsement is tailored to meet your specific needs, and protects your things that have unique and often high values.

    If you loan your vehicle...

    Posted: 01/23/2014


    Most believe auto insurance follows the driver, not the vehicle. Not the case in Montana where insurance follows the vehicle.

    Burglars Are Watching!

    Posted: 11/25/2013


    On Mother's Day weekend our house was robbed. Learn from our experience!

    Should You Shop Your Insurance

    Posted: 10/20/2013


    It is impossible to turn on the television these days and not hear insurance company after insurance company claim that they can save you money.

    Coverage that Might Save More than it Costs

    Posted: 03/29/2013


    Different circumstances and limits of coverage may apply depending upon your insurance company and policy, so review your insurance documents or talk to your agent for coverage specifics.

    Do You Have Winter Driving "covered?"

    Posted: 10/19/2012


    Most insurance companies offer some optional coverage for towing or roadside assistance.

    Cold Weather Driving Safety Tips

    Posted: 10/15/2012


    The best advice for driving in bad winter weather is to not drive at all, if you can avoid it.

    Tire Safety Tips

    Posted: 10/01/2012


    Harry Staley with Staley's Tire & Automotive says check the air pressure in your vehicle's tires regularly during the winter months.

    Getting to Know Your Homeowner's Policy

    Posted: 09/12/2012


    The standard homeowners form used by the insurance industry today covers many water related claims, mainly from water that is "supposed to be in your home."

    Automobile Insurance Gets Personal

    Posted: 07/29/2012


    Auto insurance companies set their rates based on what they perceive the risk of a loss to be, but technology has given companies new and innovative ways to better assess risk.

    Insuring Your Summertime Toys

    Posted: 07/13/2012


    As Montanans, we consider ourselves fortunate to live in such a beautiful state with so much opportunity for outdoor recreation. We relish in the adventures that can be found each summer along our highways, in our many campgrounds, and on our lakes and rivers.

    We're All in this Together

    Posted: 07/02/2012


    During the summer months, the number of motorcycles on the roads increases drastically. Here are a few tips.

    Home Coverages You Never Knew you Needed

    Posted: 04/21/2012


    Safeco Insurance Company is now offering this optional coverage to its homeowner's clients for only $2 a month.

    What has your Insurance Done for You Lately?

    Posted: 03/06/2012

    It is easy to get wrapped up in which coverages you are required to carry.

      Must Read Articles

      Find Helpful Information and Articles from Darnielle Insurance

        View All

      Is there a Value to Having a Local Agent?

      There is no doubt that we've all seen better times in the insurance marketplace. We all feel a bit helpless as prices go up, policy terms change and we wonder if there is anything we can do.

       service   auto   home  

      Every Penny Counts

      Helpful hints to save you money when it comes to insurance.

       service   auto   home  

      A few Common Misconceptions About Insurance

      There are many misconceptions about all types of insurance. Which do you fall for?


      Delivery vs. Rideshare - What's the difference?

      If you use your personal vehicle to pick up and deliver goods or people, there are some things you should know regarding your auto insurance.

       auto   risk  

      What Matters, and When it Matters

      When purchasing insurance, most people are naturally focused on price. While researching the best price, nobody is envisioning themselves sitting in a waiting room of body shop or discussing restoration repairs after a natural disaster.

       home   home  

      Top 10 Reasons You Need Cyber Liability Insurance

      No matter what type of business you run, where you're located, or how much time you spend online – your business needs Cyber Liability Insurance.

       business   risk  

      Protecting Yourself from the Uninsured and Underinsured Driver

      With over 29 million uninsured drivers in the US what can you do to protect yourself?

       service   auto  

      Why Should I Have a Personal Umbrella Policy?

      The main purpose of an umbrella policy is to protect you and your assets from the financial fallout of certain unforeseen events but are they worth it?

       home   risk  

      Replacement Cost vs. Taxable Value vs. Real Estate Market Value – What's The Difference?

      I often get asked this question by customers! Trying to figure out what each of these separate values mean, in relation to your home or commercial building, can be very confusing! To better understand the differences, here's a quick breakdown!

       service   home  

      Halloween 2023 Agency Pumpkin Carving

      Darnielle held an office Halloween pumpkin carving contest and had some great entries!


      How Home Replacement Costs are Affecting Home Insurance

      Home insurance is based on the cost to rebuild and replace your home, not its market value.


      Supporting Our Community

      There are many individuals and organizations in need and we are finding meaningful ways to give back and support our local community we serve.

       service   news  

      So What is this "Insurance" Anyway?

      All the terms about drive a person mad: perils, premiums, hazards, losses and limits. There seems no end to it, and what does it all mean?

       service   auto  

      Talk About Full Service

      Taking Customer Service to a New Level

       service   auto  

      Professional Liability Insurance

      Almost every business or firm can become liable for injury to others resulting from a condition on its premises or arising out of its operations, products, completed work or actions of its employees.

       business   risk  

      Insuring Your Summer Toys

      As summer loosens its grip and spring seems just around the corner, many of us look forward to heading out to enjoy our summer toys.


      Update on Past Articles

      Here are a few updates on the past risk articles.

       business   risk  

      Winter Driving

      Being a Montana gal I've learned some smart things to do to prepare yourself, and your car, for winter driving.


      Anti-Indemnity Statute

      Indemnity clauses generally are more common to construction projects primarily due to the risks involved maintaining a safe work environment.

       business   risk  

      Phishing, Don't Take the Bait

      Phishing has become one of the most common threats online, fooling even the most tech-savvy and cautious users.


      Your Home may be Underinsured

      You pay for home insurance to avoid incurring large out-of-pocket expenses after something damages your house and personal property.


      Ordinance or Law Coverage

      The situation can be specifically addressed by working with your insurance advisor and construction professional who are versed in coverage and current code requirements.

       business   risk  

      Do You Volunteer Your Time AND Insurance?

      If a volunteer endeavor goes bad, would a volunteer board member have coverage against a lawsuit under his or her homeowner's policy?


      Directors and Officers Insurance

      Directors & officers of a corporation may be subject to personal liability for acts performed in their duties as an officer or director.

       business   risk  

      Home Improvement Season!

      Be cautious when selecting a contractor to work for you when making repairs or improvements to your home. A couple of things you should know...


      Does Faulty Workmanship Qualify as an Occurrence

      A question asked, and tried to be answered, in many different courts! Numerous articles have been written and rewritten, along with state and federal court decisions, that all address the same question: Is faulty workmanship an occurrence?

       business   risk  

      TNC Update & Montana & the Ride-Share Industry

      Transportation network companies (TNC's) have become a viable part of the sharing economy.

       business   risk  

      Wow... Uber is coming to Montana!

      As exciting as this sounds, and as easy as it may seem to make a few extra bucks driving for UBER, insuring yourself and your car to drive for UBER is an opportunity that requires further investigation.


      Hey "Sled-Heads" are you ready to go "Billing?"

      Snowmobiles are a significant investment and there are insurance products specifically designed to protect you and your investment.


      The Independent Contractor-Addressed Again??

      After a Montana Supreme Court decision in 2003, "Kelly Wild vs Fregein Construction", significantly changed the status of independent contractor exemptions, the 2005 Montana Legislature re-established the conclusive status of the IC exemption certificate.

       business   risk  

      Buying Workers' Compensation Insurance

      In Montana, every employer who has an employee is required to purchase, or self insure, coverage for an injury or illness arising out of and in the course and scope of employment.

       business   risk  

      Reducing Your Insurance Costs ... Distinguishing Bad Advice from Good Advice

      Many Americans are struggling financially in the current economy, particularly those struck by lay-offs, and are faced with tough decisions about how to reduce expenses.


      Condominium Association Insurance

      The condominium association business is managed by its by-laws and declarations. These are unique to each association and deal with the day-to-day obligations and duties of the board and unit owners.

       business   risk  

      What should I know when buying my Condominium Unit Owners policy?

      It is important to know that your role as a unit owner is spelled out in your association documents, namely the By-Laws and Declarations. If you can't lay your hands on a copy you should ask a member of your association board for one.


      Transportation Network Companies-TNC's

      Since December 2014, there were approximately 163,000 active Uber drivers, offering about 1 million paid rides a day in more than 250 cities around the world!


      Cyber Liability Insurance

      In this fast paced world, rich in technology, we hang on to the hope that our personal information can remain private.


      Triggering Property Insurance Coverage, Maybe!

      Insurance contracts are constructed with the intent to provide coverage for certain risks of loss, but not for all of them.


      Summertime and Rental Cars

      "Should I buy the insurance offered to me when I rent a car? Won't my automobile coverage extend?"


      Insuring the Boss

      Workers' Compensation Coverage is generally always a substantial cost item in any business financial statement. Therefore, business owners pay special attention to the various methods in containing those costs.

       business   risk  

      "The Bakken and Workers' Compensation Coverage"

      The Bakken oil patch has provided great opportunities for employment for numerous workers. With work opportunities naturally goes the need for workers' compensation insurance coverage.

       business   risk  

      "All I want is a Quote..."

      Insurance consumers have become very price conscious and from time to time they will seek quotes to see if they can improve their rates.

       service   risk  

      An Insurance 'Intermediaries' Duty to the Client

      The question can then be asked: What are the duties to the client while acting in either capacity?

       business   risk  

      Buying Insurance in 15 Minutes or Less?

      This is where the need for a face-to-face with an insurance agent/broker is a must!

       business   risk  

      Custom Parts & Equipment

      Did you know that the new grill guard you had mounted on your pickup truck may not be covered if damaged in an accident?


      Workers' Comp. and the Independent Contractor

      Montana was one of the first states to enact legislation relating to the needs of injured workers.

       business   risk  

      Claims—Surviving the Storm

      Common questions after damage from the hail storm.


      Negligent Entrustment

      In a claim for negligent entrustment you will have cause to pursue not only the driver of the vehicle for compensation, but also the owner!

       business   risk  

      The Value of Having a Local Agent

      Carving out that time to sit down with an agent and do a thorough review of your insurance needs will ultimately save you considerable time each year when your policies renew.


      Occurrence vs. Claims Made..& Switching!

      Generally all Property/Casualty policies you purchase will fall into one of two categories-"Occurrence" or "Claims Made".

       business   risk  

      How you Pay your Premium affects How Much you Pay

      One thing that many insurance consumers do not take in to consideration is that how they pay their insurance premium can affect how much they pay.


      "Claims Made" and "Reported"

      There are two distinct "Claims Made" policy forms and the difference can determine the outcome of a potential claim.

       business   risk  

      What to do when Montana Hail Strikes

      We've compiled these important steps to report your claim.


      Covering Theft from your Vehicle

      Are you out-of-luck when your vehicle is broken into? Not necessarily...


      A Serious Gap in Homeowners Insurance Coverage

      A number of surveys and studies have clearly indicated that consumers are largely unaware of the potential coverage gap that may be created by certain occupancy situations.

       business   risk  

      Managing Risk

      Risk is the uncertainty of loss. It is not knowing when or how a loss of property or income will occur

       business   risk  

      Do you have Coverage for Sewer or Drain Backups?

      Were you aware that not all home owner and business owner insurance policies contain coverage for damage caused by sewer or drain backup?


      Don't get Bit by your Home Insurance Policy

      Just like people, dogs have their good days and bad days. Dog bites can be serious, resulting in severe injuries or even death, as well as emotional damage.


      Better Personal Property Protection

      A Scheduled Personal Property endorsement is tailored to meet your specific needs, and protects your things that have unique and often high values.


      If you loan your vehicle...

      Most believe auto insurance follows the driver, not the vehicle. Not the case in Montana where insurance follows the vehicle.


      Burglars Are Watching!

      On Mother's Day weekend our house was robbed. Learn from our experience!


      Should You Shop Your Insurance

      It is impossible to turn on the television these days and not hear insurance company after insurance company claim that they can save you money.


      Coverage that Might Save More than it Costs

      Different circumstances and limits of coverage may apply depending upon your insurance company and policy, so review your insurance documents or talk to your agent for coverage specifics.


      Do You Have Winter Driving "covered?"

      Most insurance companies offer some optional coverage for towing or roadside assistance.


      Cold Weather Driving Safety Tips

      The best advice for driving in bad winter weather is to not drive at all, if you can avoid it.


      Tire Safety Tips

      Harry Staley with Staley's Tire & Automotive says check the air pressure in your vehicle's tires regularly during the winter months.


      Getting to Know Your Homeowner's Policy

      The standard homeowners form used by the insurance industry today covers many water related claims, mainly from water that is "supposed to be in your home."


      Automobile Insurance Gets Personal

      Auto insurance companies set their rates based on what they perceive the risk of a loss to be, but technology has given companies new and innovative ways to better assess risk.


      Insuring Your Summertime Toys

      As Montanans, we consider ourselves fortunate to live in such a beautiful state with so much opportunity for outdoor recreation. We relish in the adventures that can be found each summer along our highways, in our many campgrounds, and on our lakes and rivers.


      We're All in this Together

      During the summer months, the number of motorcycles on the roads increases drastically. Here are a few tips.


      Home Coverages You Never Knew you Needed

      Safeco Insurance Company is now offering this optional coverage to its homeowner's clients for only $2 a month.


      What has your Insurance Done for You Lately?

      It is easy to get wrapped up in which coverages you are required to carry.

      Is there a Value to Having a Local Agent?

      There is no doubt that we've all seen better times in the insurance marketplace. We all feel a bit helpless as prices go up, policy terms change and we wonder if there is anything we can do.

       service   auto   home  

      Every Penny Counts

      Helpful hints to save you money when it comes to insurance.

       service   auto   home  

      A few Common Misconceptions About Insurance

      There are many misconceptions about all types of insurance. Which do you fall for?


      Delivery vs. Rideshare - What's the difference?

      If you use your personal vehicle to pick up and deliver goods or people, there are some things you should know regarding your auto insurance.

       auto   risk  

      Our Insurance Partners

      — Protecting Everything You Value Most —

      Darnielle Insurance is available to answer your questions. We are located at 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT 59102. Give us a call at 406-652-4180.

      Start a Quote Online