(406) 652-4180 • 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT

What Matters, and When it Matters

When purchasing insurance, most people are naturally focused on price. While researching the best price, nobody is envisioning themselves sitting in a waiting room of body shop or discussing restoration repairs after a natural disaster.

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Most people, when they are purchasing insurance, are very focused on price. This is very understandable as forking over premium dollars is in the here and now. And nobody really thinks that they will be involved in a loss and a claim.

This is basic human nature. People can look into the future and see themselves with perfect clarity having pleasant experiences in the future. The dinner out next weekend, the concert in a couple of weeks or the upcoming summer vacation.

But nobody sees themselves sitting in the waiting room of a body shop waiting to find out what it will cost to get their damaged car fixed. Or discussing with a disaster restoration company how long it will take to clean up the smoke damage to their home, how long they will have to be living in a motel while it is being cleaned up, and what it all will cost.

Then, when there has been a loss, price no longer matters. The only thing that matters is coverage. It is coverage that will fix your vehicle, repair your home or even pay your medical bills.

So, when you are making decisions about an insurance purchase, remember that it is all about coverage. Price matters, but it is all about coverage.

Remember, loss can happen to you too.

Article By: Frank DuPree, Agent at Darnielle Insurance

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