(406) 652-4180 • 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT

Automobile Insurance Gets Personal

Auto insurance companies set their rates based on what they perceive the risk of a loss to be, but technology has given companies new and innovative ways to better assess risk.

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Auto insurance companies set their rates based on what they perceive the risk of a loss to be. Historically, they used various information, such as age, driving history and vehicle type to determine risk, but technology has given companies new and innovative ways to better assess risk.

Progressive Insurance Company is now offering a Snapshot discount of up to thirty percent, based on the insured's driving habits. The program features a Snapshot device that plugs into the onboard diagnostic port of most vehicles built after 1996. The device sends information to Progressive about how often you drive, how safely you drive and at what times of day you drive. After thirty days, Progressive uses this information to determine your initial discount, and after six months, the device is returned to Progressive and the amount of the final discount is calculated. The Snapshot device has no GPS technology, and they do not take speed into account. Best of all, your rates will not increase as a result of the program, so the worst that can happen is that you get a zero percent discount.

Safeco Insurance Company now offers a Low Mileage Auto Discount of up to twenty percent. Individuals who are over twenty-five years of age and drive a pleasure use vehicle fewer than eight thousand miles per year may qualify. The discount may be applied at initiation of the policy or at the renewal.

For more information about these exciting new discounts, call a Darnielle agent today!

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Darnielle Insurance is available to answer your questions. We are located at 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT 59102. Give us a call at 406-652-4180.

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