(406) 652-4180 • 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT

Auto Insurance

Get the car insurance coverage you need at a price you can afford. Serving Billings and all of Montana.

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Whether personal vehicles, or those used in business, let us quote our companies to provide the coverage you need at a competitive price, one that you can afford. Darnielle Insurance, providing you help from an independent agent.

No matter the age of the driver, or the age of the vehicle, we have markets for you... for the way you use your vehicle... and for the coverage limits you choose to carry.

What is Car Insurance?

A policy of auto insurance is actually a legal contract between you and your insurance company to provide you financial protection while you're driving around in traffic at today's crazy pace. Each state requires that you have auto insurance, and each state has its own laws and liability limit requirements. At the time you purchase auto insurance you will select the amount of coverage you wish to carry that will be there to pay on your behalf.

If You Cause the Accident

Your Liability protection will reach out to pay for the bodily injury or property damage you've caused, that you are legally liable for, to help the other party you've hurt.

If You Were Involved in an Accident That Wasn't Your Fault

You could have protection in the event the at-fault party doesn't have insurance, or doesn't have enough insurance, to cover the damage or injury they've caused to you and your passengers. Uninsured Motorist and Underinsured Motorist Liability protection handles claims of bodily injury in the State of Montana. A very important coverage you can elect to purchase that directly benefits you and the passengers riding in your car. It won't fix the car, but it helps to pay your medical bills.

You can elect to purchase Auto Medical Payments coverage that pays regardless of fault, if you or passengers in your vehicle are hurt. Often this can provide the bridge to begin covering medical expenses before the other at-fault party accepts liability and begins paying you for your loss.

Comprehensive and Collision Coverage Protects Your Car!

Whether moving, COLLISION, or your typical non-moving events, COMPREHENSIVE, this coverage will repair your car for expenses above and beyond the deductible amount you have selected. It also keeps your bank happy if you have a loan!

Oftentimes we trust ourselves and our driving skills, but what if...

  • Your car is damaged by hail?
  • A deer jumps out and runs in front of your car?
  • Somebody vandalizes or steals your car?
  • Your car is involved in a hit and run?
  • Your garage catches on fire with your car inside?

Buying Comprehensive and Collision coverage protects you if your car, which is a pretty important thing in your life, is damaged and has to be repaired, or worst case is no longer drivable.

Coverage Options

Towing and Roadside Assistance, Rental Car Reimbursement, Loan/Lease GAP Coverage are also available and can easily be quoted for you to consider.

The Awesome Benefits of an Independent Insurance Agent

More than one quote with more than one insurance company helps you find the coverage you want, at the price you can afford. If for some reason the insurance company protecting you takes a rate increase in our area, we have the opportunity to shop for another policy for you so you don't have to run all over town.


If you unfortunately cause the accident, your responsibility to the other part you have hurt or who's vehicle or property you have damaged does not end when your limit of coverage has been used up. When making insurance decisions always look at what you think you can afford, and the next higher limit of coverage. You'll find your premium will not double or triple with a doubled or tripled limit, and you may sleep better at night!

  • If you loan your car, you also loan your insurance policy.
  • If there is a claim it becomes part of your insurance history.
  • If you borrow and drive a car that has no insurance coverage, YOU will get the No Insurance ticket.
  • If you use your car for food deliveries there may be no coverage.
  • If you use your car for ride sharing there may be no coverage.

Let Us Caution You About Being Your Own Insurance Agent

As easy as they make it sound to do your own insurance work online, let us help you. It's like buying your burger at a fast food restaurant, versus sitting down and being waited on. That server, your agent, is willing to take the time to make sure you understand your choices. You'll have looked over the menu, made your choices, and left knowing you had time to make a good decision, and hopefully had a much better experience!

Insurance Services


We'll Shop Around

We'll Shop Around So You Don't Have To

Start a quote by filling out our online application providing us with the basic information we need to perform a quote. It only takes a few minutes and we'll respond within one business day.

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We're looking for industry experienced folks to join our team. Contact us at 406-652-4180 to inquire.

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Our Insurance Partners

— Protecting Everything You Value Most —

Darnielle Insurance is available to answer your questions. We are located at 1320 28th Street West, Billings, MT 59102. Give us a call at 406-652-4180.

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